This is What an Energy Assessment Involves

Dato August 10th, 2023 Skrevet av Andreas Grimen
A comprehensive energy assessment is the first step towards a more sustainable and energy-efficient building. The evaluation reveals the potential for improvement and the condition of the building, making the optimization process more accessible and manageable. Read on to learn how an energy assessment by Entro is conducted!
Dato August 10th, 2023 Skrevet av Andreas Grimen

This is What an Energy Assessment Involves

A comprehensive energy assessment is the first step towards a more sustainable and energy-efficient building. The evaluation reveals the potential for improvement and the condition of the building, making the optimization process more accessible and manageable. Read on to learn how an energy assessment by Entro is conducted!

We identify measures that can reduce energy consumption in buildings through an energy assessment.

The assessment can cover buildings, technical installations, and energy monitoring systems. This gives us the best possible overview of potential energy, efficiency, and climate measures for the entire building stock.

In short, an energy assessment involves gaining as much knowledge as possible. This is done through:

  1. Preliminary assessment

  2. Measurements

  3. Analysies

Energy Assessment in Five Steps

A thorough energy assessment aims to gather all the necessary information so that you, as a building owner, have the best foundation for making decisions on what needs to be done.

A complete assessment can be divided into five steps. However, it is also possible to select specific evaluation actions without committing to all five.

At Entro, we usually recommend all the appropriate steps. Here are the five steps in our energy assessment:

  1. Assessment, site visit, and report

The assessment itself is the first step. The assessment process is documented, and based on the findings, we can determine the next course of action.

The findings from the assessment are compiled in a report that serves as the basis for the rest of the work.

Entro always conducts site visits during the assessment when necessary. We also examine information related to existing systems and data from our clients. This gives us a broad and comprehensive starting point before moving forward.

2.      Energy certificate

Entro prepares an energy certificate for the building under consideration after completing the initial assessment and after the energy measures have been implemented. The initial energy certificate provides us with an overview that we can work with.

The goal is to significantly improve the initial energy certificate, making it easy to see the impact of the measures on energy efficiency.

3.      Tailored lists of measures

Once the initial investigation is completed and we have delivered an energy certificate, we can proceed with specific measures lists. The measures are always tailored to the individual client and the building in question.

We also assess the resources required for each measure, the risk associated with transitioning to alternative solutions, and the effect that investing in the measures will have.

This ensures that you know exactly what the measures will entail for you and your building.

4.      Energy monitoring system (EMS) and measurement structure

EMS stands for Energy Monitoring System, an umbrella term for various systems that help you monitor important energy consumption data.

During the energy assessment, we propose an EMS and a measurement structure with meters that are suitable for your building and your business. We determine the number of meters required and their specific locations.

We can also help optimize existing systems.

Typically, an EMS collects:

  • Data on energy consumption in the building

  • Data from the operation of the building and the business

  • Data from any production

  • Temperature and weather data from meteorological meters

The combined data that an EMS collects and combines provides a complex and comprehensive foundation, making it easier to facilitate more energy-efficient operation of a building.

5.      Assistance with contract evaluation

If needed, we also evaluate the company's existing power contracts. Building owners and businesses often have power contracts that sometimes are unsuitable for their operations or actual energy consumption.

By adjusting the contracts or switching to another provider, there are opportunities to save money on electricity.

Three Types of Measures from the Energy Assessment

Based on the assessment and energy certificate findings, we develop measures specifically tailored to your business.

We typically divide the measures into three categories while indicating the amount of work involved and the results that can be achieved for each of them:

  1. Immediate measures: Measures that can be implemented without further analysis and investments. If possible, these measures are addressed during the initial site visit.

  2. Investment measures with a short payback period: Measures that require simple analysis and have a payback period of less than one year. These measures are easy and inexpensive to implement but require more work than immediate measures.

  3. Primary investment measures: Significant measures that require more in-depth analysis. For certain buildings, conducting a solar analysis may also be possible to determine the feasibility of including solar panels as part of the measures.

Would you like to read more about different energy measures?

Entro Assists You with the Energy Assessment of Your Building

The energy assessment lays the foundation for measures that can be implemented in your building.

Entro is ready to help you get started with an evaluation!


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